Bed bugs, derived from their preference for living in areas people like to sleep. They look no bigger than a sesame seed with a brownish or red color and their eggs look like white rice before they hatch.
These parasitic insects feed on human blood and while they can survive up to a year without it, they prefer to feed every five to ten days.
Capable of feeding largely unnoticed, the main indication of bed bug bites is persistent itching and skin rashes. The saliva has anesthetics in it so that you cannot feel the bite as it contains proteins that can cause a potentially dangerous allergic reaction.
Due to the difficulty in treating and eliminating bed bugs, these pests can often leave lasting psychological affects.
Bed bugs do not transmit disease and are not related to sanitation – the cleanest homes can have them. They do not jump or fly, but because bed bugs are so small and thin, they can hide in very narrow cracks, and move quickly over walls, floors and furniture to spread basically anywhere.