The NEW Flash Cuff™ takes durability and innovation to the next level!
Rugged construction and a unique design ensure that twisted hoses and cuff replacements are a thing of the past. Additionally, the Flash Cuff™ both swivels and locks - no need to choose one feature over another.
Tighter connections between cuffs decreases the amount of air lost - leading to faster drying times.
Inside diameter of the cuff is the same as that of the hose, keeping turbulence to a minimum and increasing air flow.
Cuff allows your hoses to swivel - don't spend your time untwisting tangled hoses.
Easy push-button lock kee
ps your hoses together whether you're going upstairs or around corners.
Virtually indestructible; we've driven a truck over this, enough said!
Tapered ends and shorter length allow the Flash Cuff to fit on the hose reel and keep its shape better than competitive products.
More Options: We've got 2.5" cuffs for Pros that demand top air flow.